As a result of the audit carried out by IMQ/CSQ at Digitax Electronics Plant, the Company has obtained the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification.
Digitax CEO, Mr Luigi Guazzotti, commented: “We believe to have achieved a very important target: further to costituite a constant reference in the pursuit of Total Quality in the company, the ISO certification has been mandatory to answer the request of many customers, who specifically require the supply of products and solutions by certified companies.”
MID – Module D 2014/32/EU

In year 2012 Digitax manufacturing process has been declared compliant with the Module D 2014/32/EU of European Directive 2004/22/CE, commonly known as MID (Measuring-Instruments-Directive).
The MID Directive is the EU Regulation that is applied to measurement instruments and regulates the manufacturing, marketing and service implementations.
Module D is a part of the conformity evaluation procedure by which the manufacturer, who must have a quality management system approved by a Certification Body, declares that an instrument conforms to the model described in the module examination certificate and satisfies the necessary requirements in the application of metrological adjustment.
The Module D conformity declaration permits the manufacturer, which operates with a quality management system in relation to its manufacturing, production and metrological testing processes, to apply a supplementary metrological logo (M) in the final production phase, placed alongside the CE mark.

In year 2016 Digitax has been qualified ISO/IEC 2007. By obtaining this qualification Digitax ISMS (Information Security Management System) is certified to manage information according to internationally regulated best practices.

In year 2008 Digitax has been awarded Microsoft Certified Partner Mobility Solutions. Digitax also attended with success to the Windows Embedded Programme (WEP).
As Microsoft Certified Partner, Digitax is allowed to partecipate to various Microsoft Events and have a privileged access to resources, instruments and softwares by Microsoft.
In addition, the WEP qualification gives Digitax further opportunities to develop embedded solutions of the highest quality, increasing customers appreciation of Digitax brand.
The Microsoft Partner certification is the result of 40 years skills and practice in the Automotive market that made of Digitax a global leader in the manufacturing of taximeters and mobility solutions.
MID – Module B 2014/32/EU

Digitax products have been qualified MID – Modules B in year 2007.
OIML R21/2007

Digitax Taximeter M1 STD is OIML R21/2007 approved. Legal metrology is the application of legal requirements to measurements and measuring instruments. Very often, small errors in either direction average out over a large number of measurements. But biased errors can create considerable financial prejudice and can have serious economic consequences for the end consumer.

The EU’s Radio Equipment Directive (RED) 2014/53/EU was introduced in 2016 to establish manufacturing standards for radio products relating to their health and safety, EMC, and efficient use of the radio spectrum. Digitax products equipped with radio and telecommunications devices are RED compliant.

The UN/ECE R118/2019 regulates the approval of a vehicles component with regard to its burning behaviour and/or its capability to repel fuel or lubricant. Digitax products are compliant with UN Regulation 118.